I am really thankful to life who has shown me ups and downs and tough me the importance of it by showing live exams in front of my eyes… guiding me when I was stuck.
Patience is the right path to glory but sometime I think what about the personal lose I face which is un-repairable ever… is this struggle worth? is this fight right? is this angry young man in me true?… coz I hate being fake!!!
Every morning I wake up and see an obstacle trying to defeat me… but my loneliness has made me so strong that defeat has just become a morning koffee for me which I drink with pleasure.
The silence within me asks me what am I fighting for? What am I trying to achieve? Do I really have an answer to all this? I think yes, I have the answer… I am trying to live my life and nothing & nobody change the story of my resistance.
My story within me will continue…
Ankur B. Saraiya